PLP Pathways Partners with Vermont NEA

In a continuing effort to develop quality professional development to Vermont educators, PLP Pathways recently partnered with the Vermont NEA to deliver a one day workshop on the implementation and use of PLPs in the classroom titled: Middle School PLPs and ePortfolios

On Monday, June 20th, Don Taylor and Kevin Hunt, PLP Pathways contributors, collaborated with 10 participants from across Vermont to work on PLP development. A huge thank you to Julie Longchamp, Director of Professional Development for the Vermont NEA whose support, guidance, and willingness to explore professional partnerships made this event possible.

Participants will have the opportunity to continue the work started on the 20th with an "Open Classroom" that will occur at the Vermont NEA's Summer Academy on August 3rd at Champlain College. Additionally, pending interest, the workshop may be presented a second time on August 2. Registration for both events can be completed here. Registration is free for Vermont NEA members.

If you are interested in the offerings at the NEA's Summer Academy, please check out the online course catalog.