As we come to the close of another year and it seems like everywhere I look I am seeing the best-of lists. Spotify is full of year in review playlist and Instagram is flooded with decade challenge posts.…
Act 77Reflection
Today’s post is brought to you by Kevin Hunt, middle level generalist at Williston Central School and PLP Pathways contributor. It seems whenever there is a paradigm shift in education it is always accompanied…
This week's blog post is from regular contributor Lindsey Halman, founder and teacher on the Edge Academy Team in Essex.Each Monday on the Edge Academy Team at Essex Middle School, we have a full team…
CollaborationMiddle LevelReflection
Over the course of the year, Peoples Academy Middle Level has been actively partnering with the Tarrant Institute for Innovative Education (TIIE) around the implementation of PLPs and Proficiency Based…
CollaborationProfessional DevelopmentReflection
This week we will be featuring the first in a series of blog posts from Kevin Hunt, a contributor to PLP Pathways and teacher in the Swift House, Williston Central School. PLP Pathways encourages contributions…