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Design Thinking: PLP Edition

CollaborationMiddle LevelReflection

Over the course of the year, Peoples Academy Middle Level has been actively partnering with the Tarrant Institute for Innovative Education (TIIE) around the implementation of PLPs and Proficiency Based…

PLP Collaboration at PAML

CollaborationCommunityGoal-SettingGoalsMiddle LevelPLP PlanningTechnology

Here at Peoples Academy Middle Level, we were fortunate to have two professional development days over the past month and a half. One of components of our work during the professional development time…

Negotiated Curriculum: The Questions Come from the Kids

Middle LevelNegotiated Curriculum

This week's contributor is Lindsey Halman. She has taught middle school in Vermont for the past fourteen years and is currently teaching at Essex Middle School where she is a co-founder of The Edge Academy…